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1984 Honda 200ES

Common Maintenance Specifications

Quick Reference



Spark plug: DR8ES-L (NGK)

Spark plug gap: 0.6 - 0.7 mm (0.024-0.028 in)

Valve clearance (cold): 0.05 mm (0.002 in) for both intake and exhaust

Cylinder compression: 156 psi +/- 14 psi

Idle speed: 1,400 RPM +/- 100 RPM

Engine oil capacity: 1.16 quarts

Rear differential oil capacity: 11.8 oz.  (SAE 80 hypoid gear oil)

Tire pressure: 2.2 psi

Tire size: 25 X 12 X 9

Rims:  size 9 X 9  bolt pattern (4 X 150) for both front and rear

Pilot screw: 1 7/8 turns out from seated

Pilot jet: # 38

Main jet: # 95

Needle clip position: 3rd groove

Headlight: 12V 45W/45W bulb # 6245j -BP 

Tailight: 12V 5W bulb # 57


Torque specs:

Wheel nuts (4) front and rear: 14-18 ft-lbs

Front axle nut: 43-58ft-lbs

Rear axle nut: 43-58 ft-lbs

Spark plug: 9-14 ft-lbs

Valve adjuster cover: 7-10 ft-lbs

Oil filter cap: 7-11 ft-lbs

Oil filter rotor cover bolts (3): 7-10 ft-lbs







NOTE: This information is provided FOR REFERENCE ONLY . 
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